18 Mar Meet the Community – Miguel Melchor
Who are you? (First and Last Name)
- Miguel Melchor
What Organization do you represent? (As it relates to why you’d be getting highlighted in an Esports Newsletter)
- Organization: Bucks Gaming Videographer
- Formerly: Marquette Esports Manager
Why do you personally believe esports is important, both to our region and in general?
- I believe that Esports in communities gives a chance to include anyone in a competitive environment. A lot of kids when I was in high school didn’t participate in extra-curriculars and went home and played competitive Call of Duty or Halo, and honestly just video games in general. Schools and communities with esports for students now is helping keep students engaged at schools and allowing them to show their talents that would otherwise be unknown to their peers. In Wisconsin, Esports is helping both high schools and colleges thrive in team environments and organizations like MKEA, Bucks Gaming and Magik4FGC are organizations built on trying to make Wisconsin Esports known and it is hugely in part because of what they do for their communities.
What games did you grow up playing and what are you playing the most now?
- Growing up, I played Call of Duty. I spent a lot of nights playing game battles with my friends and had many nights where we would play locally in 2v2 tournaments at each other’s houses. Once college was close to rolling around i started playing CSGO and still play counter-strike to this day. In college, I participated in a lot of titles, having played games under the Marquette University name in Counter-Strike, Rocket League, Rainbow Six, Valorant, and Call of Duty. I always loved the content creation side. So on top of competing, I always made sure to stream and make sure anyone who wanted to watch the inner workings of what it’s like to be on a collegiate team could see and hear it.
If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- If I had to play one game for the rest of my life it would be Counter-Strike. That game is what started my love for Esports and wanting to get involved and the first game I competed collegiately in. I always will have a competitive spirit and CS is one of the most competitive games there is.
Where can people find you? (Socials/Twitch/etc)
- X: @miguelmelchor84
- Instagram: miguelmelchor4
- Tiktok: @themigss
- Twitch: mgemigs
If you would like to learn more on how to get involved, please email brandon@mkeesports.com.
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